I drove the motorhome on a GM Goodwrench TV commercial shoot up to Grass Valley for two days. I'd never been to Grass Valley before, it's quite a charming little town. And these two elephants were certainly the largest quadrupeds to ever walk their streets. Incidentally, if anyone was curious what the going day-rate for two adult African elephants, their wranglers, and food and transportation might be it'll run you around 5500.00, which, pound for pound, is a helluva deal if you ask me.
Oh yeah, not having anticipated seeing something photo worthy, these are all taken with my camera phone, so please excuse the poor quality. Still, I think you'll agree, they are discernably elephants.

Eight tons of fun

With a wrangler
For some reason I didn't see these photos before! This is AWESOME!!
Jenne, at 11:58 PM
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