Well, I'm 27 today. I woke up to a good German style breakfast that Katja's mom, Karin, had prepared. I opened my presents from her too... a bottle of Kentucky Bourbon and a box of Pralines... everything a guy needs on his birthday... booze and chocolate!
Around 11:15a Stoeps rolled up in the Audi A8 he is borrowing for a few days (I got to drive it for like 3 hours a couple of days ago... that mother MOVES), and the three of us picked up Toli and then drove into Berlin for an afternoon at the climbing gym. It was a rainy kind of day so this was a perfect activity. Around 5:30 we were pretty much burned out. Incidentally this was my first day climbing in many, many months. Oof.
We zipped round the corner to a little Mexican joint that the boys knew of. It is run by actual Mexicans so the salsa was great, they had XX Amber, and the burrito I had was good too. After gorging ourselves we headed back to Neuruppin at 220 kph. That's freaking fast. And not legal. Not even on the Autobahn.
A8, accept no substitutes. Except maybe the S8, now there is a car I want to drive someday.
At any rate we rented a film, but never got to it. We're both pooped and I'm hitting the sack now. A year older, hopefully wiser, certainly achier, and undoubtedly hungry for more. Love to all!
Around 11:15a Stoeps rolled up in the Audi A8 he is borrowing for a few days (I got to drive it for like 3 hours a couple of days ago... that mother MOVES), and the three of us picked up Toli and then drove into Berlin for an afternoon at the climbing gym. It was a rainy kind of day so this was a perfect activity. Around 5:30 we were pretty much burned out. Incidentally this was my first day climbing in many, many months. Oof.
We zipped round the corner to a little Mexican joint that the boys knew of. It is run by actual Mexicans so the salsa was great, they had XX Amber, and the burrito I had was good too. After gorging ourselves we headed back to Neuruppin at 220 kph. That's freaking fast. And not legal. Not even on the Autobahn.
A8, accept no substitutes. Except maybe the S8, now there is a car I want to drive someday.
At any rate we rented a film, but never got to it. We're both pooped and I'm hitting the sack now. A year older, hopefully wiser, certainly achier, and undoubtedly hungry for more. Love to all!
You are sooo old!!! HA HA HA!!! I guess you had to catch up with me some day. Be it only a for a month. HAPPY B-DAY
Anonymous, at 3:21 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETER!!!!! Your pictures are AWESOME, i wanna see more more more more more!!! xx
Jenne, at 1:18 PM
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