Not only was France in full bloom with better weather overall than one could ever hope for, but two very special people were also traveling in France at the same time as Katja and myself. Deborah Loft, my Art History professor and the person responsible for my voracious interest in art and art history, was also in Paris. Read 'Je dois me coucher' for details of our evenings together; and here are a few pix from the jazz club we went to that I tried to snap with my silly cell cam.
A smoke-free jazz bar in Paris... whodathunkit?
Also traveling in France, but further south, was my dear friend Jane, and her husband Bob. While we were burning up in Paris they were roasting merrily down in Provence, exploring such outstanding destinations as Aix and the surrounding countryside. Jane and Bob invited Katja and I to have a delicious lunch with them at
Michel's in Villefranche-sur-mer, a fantastic restaurant that serves up whole roasted, absolutely fresh local fish alongside tasty house-label wines.
I can't really express how much fun and how good it feels to have been able to meet up with these friends. It really rounded out what was an already outstanding vacation. It was like experiencing all the excitement of unknown newness and yet still having an element of familiarity about it.
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